Who Does What



Fr. Chris Bergin


Rev David Pattinson

Parish Office 

Parish Secretary                         


Parish Team Coordinators 

Safegaurding Jacqui Shabankareh
Chair of Finance Alison Morgan
Parish Communications The Parish Office & Bill O'Neill
Gift Aid Coordinator David Gwyther
Liturgy  Rev David Pattinson & Emma Pearce
Church Music & Choir Emma Pearce
Baptism & Marriages Parish Priest
First Holy Communion (FHC) Susan Marsh 
Confirmation Caroline Balko
Bereavement Team Jan Cassar &  Andy McGregor 
Care Group Caroline King
Health and Safety Steve Kearney & Andrew Cooke
Sacristan Carmel Benedict, Maria Adams, Philippa Dupenois & Caroline King
Ecumenism James Close and Ted LeRiche
Children's Liturgy

Marie Newman

Hall Bookings

The Parish Office

Readers & Welcomers Rota

Marie Newman

Cleaning Rota

Mary Merrett

Banking & Counting Rota

Mary Merrett

Repository & Bookstall

Tala Gogy

Church Flowers

Barbara Quinlan

Charity Representitives

APF (Missio)  Mary Merrett
CAFOD  Andrew Marsh
ACN (Aid to the Church in Need) Danny Lynch
Christian Aid David & Barbara Hiley
Epsom & Ewell Foodbank David & Barbara Hiley

Social Events

Men's Breakfast Group James Close
Church Soup Lunch Caroline Fitzherbert
Mother Teresa Co-Workers                     Mary Merrett
Wednesday Coffee Mornings Andy & Kay McGregor
Bingo Pat Swain

Catholic Schools

St. Andrew's Secondary - Head Teacher

Alan Mitchell         

St. Peter's Primary - Head Teacher

Lisa Kelly                       

The Trumpet (Quarterly Parish Magazine)

Editing Team                                Alison Morgan and Mike King
Fr Maxwell's Memorial