Formation   Growing in faith is the concern of every parishioner.  It involves the mutual giving and receiving of talents and gifts within a parish, otherwise that community ceases to flourish.   Here in St.Michael's the Formation Team work hard to provide ongoing Catholic education for children and adults, and to prepare parishioners and their families to receive the Sacraments. 

The aim of this is to bring people into relationship and 'intimacy' with Christ.   We have a small dedicated team of catechists who provide a regular excellent Children's Liturgy at the 10.30 Sunday mass, and who run the Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation classes that take place every year. 

We could always do with more helpers to join our enthusiastic and committed team.  No experience is necessary, as training is available in the Diocese.  

The forthcoming autumn opportunities for ongoing adult formation will include instruction on the new english translation of the mass and missal, and the setting up of a monthly bible study/ethical issues group, that will meet outside the usual Advent/Lent groups that are already established.

Our Diocesan website has lots of resources on formation - have a look sometime (click). 

Websites for Advent  for parents and children is the definitive guide to Advent a good source for prayer

Fr Maxwell's Memorial